Wednesday, August 30, 2006

It's all in the approach

"Power crisis"
POWER that drives everything from devices to governments to news channels.

Committees and research groups predict future power usage and govt.'s and companies get themselves ready to meet the demands. And as always, demand wins over supply and the game starts all over again.
Problem: We target the wrong thing or rather the partial problem. Our aim is to achieve net demand-supply balance and in that government is not the only one to blame for.

Have we ever taken demand more seriously than supply?

Approach 1
Why not ban those companies that produce less-efficient power devices?
Approach 2
Why not improve our power consumption habits? Why not we take the initiative to buy power-efficient devices and let the power-hungry ones get eliminated naturally from the market? Why not we take the initiative to inculcate discipline in power consumption?

Remember companies can bribe governments but not the entire population.
They don't sell products, they buy habits.

"A huge chunk of the electricity used in the US is actually wasted by AC to DC power adaptors for electronics and also for standby mode in other types of electronics (TVs, VCRs, etc.)"

So next time, for everybody's sake, please don't leave your PCs, TVs ... in standby mode.
You can save a lot not only for yourself but your future generations.
You just need to press a switch to bring light to others' dark homes.

One more point to make in support of HARMONY which you might think is nowhere related to POWER consumption.
Two people are reading in separate rooms because they can't sit in the same room and read. Power goes off and since their inverter(a kind of power bacup) can only drive 1 tubelight, they have no other option but to sit in one room and read. [With examinations on their head, they go for it]. Imagine if they would have been sitting in the same room and reading like this before the power went off. If in the same manner everybody would have been using power, the power supply would have been there twice the time it is usually there.
My own room, my own TV, my own mobile, my own family --- such individualistic notions are leading to exponential growth in instability of every kind. No doubt these are the things that are also boosting consumer economies of today's world.

Nothing more to say but my old punchline - Faster development, Faster Extinction

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Some one-liners

Question mark is a beginning, Full-Stop is a sojourn

How we Indians celebrated 15 August?
Independence from Terrorism by dependence on Security

A new breed of ornaments have mushroomed these days - Digital Ornaments (Mobile, Ipod, USB drives)

Message to the developing and the developed...
Faster development, Faster Extinction

Companies can bribe governments but not the entire population.
They don't sell products, they buy habits.

Money - Language of Pragmatism/Practicality these days

Met a person on my train journey. Had debates on practicality and difference between the Indifferent attitude of a Mumbaikar and a New Orleander.

He told me
There's a difference between being selfish and being cruel.

I told him
Everybody has his/her own boundaries of practicality.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Smile vs. Laugh

Just few days back while returning to my home, I was thinking about what is it that makes somebody laugh (instead smile) on something and vice versa.
  • Is smile symbolic of less happiness than laugh?
  • Does laugh originates only from humor?
  • Is smile more emotionally related to mind than laugh?

Can anybody throw light on my above curiosities?