Thursday, August 03, 2006

Smile vs. Laugh

Just few days back while returning to my home, I was thinking about what is it that makes somebody laugh (instead smile) on something and vice versa.
  • Is smile symbolic of less happiness than laugh?
  • Does laugh originates only from humor?
  • Is smile more emotionally related to mind than laugh?

Can anybody throw light on my above curiosities?


Anonymous said...

:) Nice topic! The extent to which teeth show out or lips part does not have to be an indication of happiness-level... I think hearty-n-loud laughter comes when something is funny or when one sub/conscuiously intends to attract/sustain attention. There are several scientific studies supporting the common notion that it is more of the twinkle in the eyes and the wrinkles around them which acknowledge pleasure than the grins.

Unknown said...

You are right on the truth, that smile is more emotionally related to the mind than a laughter..

A smile is a symbol of understanding with pleasure.

Laughter is drawing out plain pleasure good/bad.

Thanks... :)