After some 1 hour of fight, i finally got some solution to my problem of tagging the blogs in blogger. I don't know why in the world, blogger hasn't provided such an important feature.
I think they should learn from LiveJournal or for that matter a couple of other feature-rich blogging sites.
Mr. Google, get up and do some exercise for your adopted BLOGGER baby.
After looking through the blogs of
ted ernst and
pacetua, I came up with a slightly better (browser independent)** solution which saves far much effort of Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V and a couple of irritating clicks.
Follow these steps to start Tagging in your blog
- Get a account.
- Go to (Settings->Formatting) in Blogger and set the "Link Field" to YES.
- Edit your template by pasting the below javascript code shown in RED somewhere between your <Blogger > </Blogger > tags.
<p class="post-footer">Categories:<script language="javascript">
var agt='<$BlogItemUrl$>';
var tr=agt.split(' ');
var a='';
for(var i=0;i<tr.length;i++) {
if(i > 0) {
document.write(', ');
a ='<a href=' + unescape('"') + '' + tr[i] + unescape('"') + ' rel=' + unescape('"') + 'tag' + unescape('"') + '>' + tr[i] + '</a>';
Now whenever you create a new blog, you will find an extra link textbox in which you can write your TAGS separated by spaces.^^
Use '+' sign as the separator and modify your javascript accordingly if you want the links to be visible to technorati's
search spider. See Comments section for complete information.
Publish your post and you are done with your blogging part.
But don't forget to post your tagged page to using the same tags.I didn't write the Javascript, only modified it. Thanks goes to john, ted and pacetua.
** As mentioned by
GreaseMonkey helps you do a similar thing in firefox but currently even that is not working with
Firefox 1.5.
^^ Multi-word tags not possible in For other sites, you can replace this line in the code
var tr=agt.split(' '); with your separator inserted between the single quotes. For eg., if the separator is a plus sign, it would look like
var tr=agt.split('+');